مدیریت همکاری های علمی و بین المللی

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The latest book on wound healing, titled “Atlas of Wound Healing, a Tissue Regeneration Approach”


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Public Relations Office of AUT: The latest book on wound healing, titled “Atlas of Wound Healing, a Tissue Regeneration Approach” was published by Elsevier International Publishing.

In this wound atlas, written by Dr Soheila S Kordestani, a faculty member of Amirkabir University of Technology and the CEO of Chitotech, various types of wounds have been collected from patients of different ethnicities and races in Iran.
The content of this book has been compiled in the field of tissue engineering and clinical medicine and in two parts. The first part is “Wound Healing Theory” which in addition to introducing the most up-to-date therapies, gives a report of wound healing in 161 patients.
The second part of the book is a comprehensive guide for physicians, nurses and all wound activists by providing treatment protocols for various types of wounds.

In this English language atlas, clinical studies conducted over a 15-year period have been presented on 161 patients in more than 30 medical science hospitals of the country in 264 color pages. 
This book is accessible from the following link:


