مدیریت همکاری های علمی و بین المللی

Dear university professors and members of IOs,

RISE Worldwide is starting the next round: For summer 2020 we are again asking for internship offers giving German undergraduate students the possibility to intern worldwide.

Research groups, laboratories and doctoral students from all over the world can apply to host a motivated and well-qualified student from Germany as a research intern to assist with a proposed project. Students participating in this program come from the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, engineering, computer science, medicine, or a closely related field, and receive a DAAD scholarship to help cover living expenses and travel costs.

Internship projects can be submitted online at https://www.daad.de/rise/en/rise-worldwide/offer-an-internship/submit-an-internship-offer/ from September 1, 2019 to October 15, 2019.

Between November 1, and December 15, 2019 the database opens for the German students and each student may apply for up to three internship projects. The prospective hosts are then asked to provide DAAD with their quality assessment of the applications for their projects.

Please forward the program information to interested networks of academics, alumni and anyone else who might be interested. Please do not hesitate to contact rise-ww@daad.de if you have further questions or need more material. Attached please find a flyer with information on the program.

Kind regards

DAAD Information Center in Tehran