مدیریت همکاری های علمی و بین المللی

اولين كارگاه همتايابي بين المللي

About AUT’s 1st International Academic Partnership Platform 

In the past years, Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT) has devoted an ever-increasing effort in expanding its cooperative actions with its strategic partners in different countries. Creating a network among researchers and faculty members is of top priority and one of the most effective ways of building this network is through workshops.

Following our interest and success in establishing scientific collaboration, we are pleased to announce that AUT will be running a workshop from the fifth to the seventh of October. This partnership workshop, being the first of many to come, will be focusing on the following fields:

– Biotechnology

– Material & Nanotechnology

– Oil and Gas

– Big Data & IOT

– Water Resource Management

   AUT has been home to many talented scholars and scientists who have been recognized nationally and internationally.

   Our objective and future goal is to direct our academia towards trans-disciplinary research in order to exploit knowledge and become a multicultural, cosmopolitan university that will promote entrepreneurship and develop open connections with global counterparts.

   This workshop creates a platform for its participants to meet with top national and international researchers from well-known universities and institutions while trying to focus and report on top research in AUT. One of the other goals in this event is to help the joined scholars find financial support and maybe even create new support opportunities for their new projects.

Discovering Tehran 

The city is located at the foothill of Alborz mountains with an approximate altitude of over a thousand meters above sea level. Tehran is situated on a slope that goes up at the very north of Tehran making it a very favorable place to live where the temperature is always coolers than south of the city by a few degrees centigrade. Compared to the other parts of the country, Tehran has a relatively moderate temperature creating an enjoyable place to live.  Among the city’s most favored places to visit are the Grand Bazaar, Golestan Palace and the National Museum.

For more information regarding tourism in Tehran click here.