مدیریت همکاری های علمی و بین المللی

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Startup Executive Academy in Salzburg


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Dear all,

I hope you are well and I´m curious how our cooperation can develop further as well as I would like to share some very exciting news with you:


The SMBS – cooperating with the strategic startup accelerator Silicon Castles and the University of Applied Sciences – is launching Europe’s first “Startup Executive Academy” in Salzburg this summer.

From August 25 to August 30 2017 participants can expect a world-renowned faculty of leading Stanford professors together with venture capital specialists, top executives and managers of companies such as Google, Dolby, Sony, German Telekom or SKIDATA.

The SEA addresses founders and executives from early stage startups (seed, A or B phase) of all industries who want to position their company strategically and improve, accelerate and sustain growth.

Attached you can find a media briefing package – also you can go to: http://www.smbs.at/en/studies/studies/startup-executive-program.html  for more information.

As you are a highly appreciated cooperation partner of the SMBS, we would be happy if you could share this unique, world-class program with your network- either via homepage, newsletter, social media etc.

With this, your students, staff and other interested parties of Amirkabir University of Technology have the possibility to benefit from this unique program as well.  

Happy to help if you need any further information.

